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ErrorThe property defines if the call of the procedure LoadFromStream was successful.
Properties derived from TsgCADImageDescription
BackgroundColorThe property specifies the background color of the drawing which TsgCADImage displays.
BlocksThe property lists the blocks references of the drawing.
BorderSizeThe property specifies the size of the drawing’s border in global points or ratio.
BorderTypeThe property sets the type of drawing’s border.
CachingRasterModeThe property specifies the size of drawing’s border in global points or ratio.
CBFormatThe property displays predefined clipboard format.
ColorToLineWeightThe property specifies the line weight for entities by colors.
ConverterThe property contains information about the loaded CAD file.
CurrentLayoutThe property sets the current layout.
DefaultColorThe property sets the color for elements which have white color in AutoCAD™ DXF/DWG
DimensionsVisibleThe property switches on or off dimension of the drawing.
DrawingBoxThe property defines drawing box.
DrawMatrixThe property gets the matrix used for drawing.
DrawModeThe property specifies the current color mode.
EntitiesThe property lists all the entities of the CAD file.
ExtentsThe property defines drawing's extents.
FileNameThe property gets and sets the name of the file from which the image is loaded.
IsDraw3DAxesThe property gets and sets 3Daxes drawing mode.
IsDrawingRotatedThe property defines if the drawing is rotated.
IsLoadingThe property defines if the drawing is loading.
IsPlottingThe property defines the destination source status.
IsProcessMessagesThe property defines the messages processing mode.
IsShowBackgroundThe property can be used to show background.
IsShowLineWeightThe property can be used to draw all entities with NullWidth pixel lineweights.
IsWithoutBorderThe property can be used to draw the drawing without adding the empty space (borders).
LayoutsThe property gets the indexed layout.
LayoutsCountThe property gets the number of layouts.
LineWeightScaleThe property gets and sets the line weight scale.
MillimetersThe property can be used to change the drawing units (millimeters/inches)
NullWidthThe property specifies the default line weight of entities with zero lineweight.
OwnSourceThe property indicates if data is loaded.
PureExtentsThe property defines the exact image field in world coordinates, with no empty space added.
ResizeDisproportionateDrawingThe property points to layer, containing given primitive if this layer is given.
ScaleThe property returns scale factor of the image as TFPoint structure.
ShowImagesThe property gets and sets the raster image drawing mode.
StretchThe property indicates whether the CAD drawing should be changed so that it exactly fits the bounds of the image control.
TextVisibleThe property switches on or off texts of the CAD image.
TTFModeThe property specifies the mode of the TTF fonts reflection.
UseWinEllipseThe property can be used for drawing most of the arcs and circles in the image using GDI Windows functions such as Ellipse, Arc, etc., not linearized.
ViewRectangleFor CAD Import VCL internal uses only.